Prodotti su misura

AFFINISEP offre servizi completi per la progettazione e la sintesi di polimeri conformi alle vostre specifiche.

Con piattaforme tecnologiche completamente integrate nella chimica polimerica e analitica, AFFINISEP è stato partner in più di 56 progetti e aiuta i suoi clienti con soluzioni innovative per le loro sfide complesse. 

AFFINISEP ha sviluppato una libreria di monomeri dando una famiglia di fasi stazionarie selettive basate sulla sua tecnologia proprietaria, che hanno dimostrato un forte potenziale per l’estrazione e la purificazione di vari composti. 

Why trusting Affinisep ?

AFFINISEP supplies :

  • The most comprehensive bank of sorbent
  • From Silica to Polymers 
  • From conventional to very selective 
  • MIPs, Reversed-phase, ionic exchange, etc…
  • Our Expertise on MIP, sample preparation, SPE protocol and detection kit development
  • Quick and efficient development
  • Reactivity

No matter if we run a short term project (2-3 days) or long term project ( 4 to 6 months) we always follow a well-established procedure. The following scheme describes an example of a procedure for the development of a custom-made product based on our customer’s requirements.

After signing of Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA), key data are exchanged. A quotation based on our experience in separation science including a process sheet is developed. During the whole procedure, a permanent feedback is established with you.

Procedure for custom-made polymer phase

  • Step 1: We offer you a screening of our library which consists of several hundreds AFFINISEP phases to find the suitable one for your separation problem. The knowledge of the structure of the target substance, its functional groups and the solubility data give us valuable hints for the choice of the screening phases.

  •  Step 2: For the selected phase, a protocol is implemented for your application. Then samples and / or prototypes are delivered to you for testing, evaluation and validation.

  • Step 3: When the selected phase suits your application and has been validated, a scale-up is planned. A QC report is delivered with the product. The format of the product is correlated to your application and can be bulk material, SPE cartridges, HPLC columns etc…

If you need the development of new polymer for your application, please send us an email to or describe your needs using

You can describe your application and our scientists will shortly evaluate your queries before contacting you as soon as possible.

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