AttractSPE®Disks 96 Plates per microeluizione

Vantaggi combinati della piastra a 96 pozzetti e dei puntali SPE per la pulizia ad alta produttività degli Stage-Tip tramite automazione

Dischi SPE ad alta capacità sorbente

Altamente efficiente

La AttractSPE® Disks 96 Plate per la microeluizione è una piastra con 96 colonne microSPE contenenti dischi SPE immobilizzati che permette una pulizia ad alta produttività con la preparazione simultanea di 96 campioni. Grazie alla piccola quantità di sorbente e all’alta efficienza, viene recuperato quasi il 100% del campione originale. Ogni pozzetto di 400µL contiene 1-2mg di dischi SPE a forma di punta di pipetta. Questo è il prodotto ideale per realizzare 96 esperimenti stagetips in un solo passaggio, permettendo il frazionamento e la desalinizzazione con una velocità molto elevata.


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AttractSPE® Disks HLB – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-HLB.T2.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane WCX - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-WCX.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Silica for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-Si.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane SDB - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-DVB.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane WCX - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-WCX.T2.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-SCX.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SAX for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SAX sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-SAX.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-C8.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane SDB - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-DVB.T2.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Si for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-Si.T2.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-SCX.T2.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-C8.T2.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-C4.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-C4.T2.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – RPS for microelution

 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane RPS- Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-RPS-M.T3.1

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C18 for microelution

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C18 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

Ref. : µ96W-C18.T3.1

AttractSPE® Disks SDB-SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-DVB-SAX.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks WCX – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-WCX.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit 

Ref. : µ96W-RPS-M.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks Silica – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-Si.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit 

Ref. : µ96W-RPS-M.T2.1

AttractSPE® Disks SDB – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-DVB.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks SCX – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-SCX.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-SAX.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-SAX.T2.1

AttractSPE® Disks HLB – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-HLB.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks C8 – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-C8.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks C18-SCX-C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-C18-SCX-C18.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks C4 – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-C4.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks C18-SCX – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-C18-SCX.T1.1

AttractSPE® Disks C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-C18.T2.1

AttractSPE® Disks C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

Ref. : µ96W-C18.T1.1